Thursday, February 5, 2015

Deadly Deadlines!

          Deadlines are so stressful! I make it a high priority of mine to always turn in essays and projects by the assigned due date. This is why it is so stressful to me. I want all those points and late points will only harm me. I never did amazing things in English class, so those deadlines had to be met in order for me to have the best grade. There is times where I will not have the homework in on time, but if its a big essay or project that has a significant amount of points to it I make it my priority. I honestly think nobody in school likes deadlines besides teachers. The worst part is when the amount of work you have and other things in life mess up your time management for the deadline, and this I feel is the real stressful part of deadlines. Even though deadlines are very stressful, somehow I always seem to get my work in on time. There have been times where I think its a miracle that I finished a assignment and was able to get it turned in time. For people who do have trouble with deadlines and feel they cannot get those assignments turned in on time, I would say that you need to figure out your priorities. If you plan on being a student it has to be your priority or you will not have success. Keep up with the work and turn in those assignments by the deadline, because in the end that job you have that is helping you pay for your car, house, family, and etc. you are going to be glad that you finished school and made all those deadlines that allowed you to pass.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. Especially when you have multiple assignments at the same time, it is hard because you just want to get it over with, but at the same time you want to do good on the assignment. so you have to put a lot of time on essays and projects.
